Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Flash Forward From the Beginning

I remember being at work, taking a break to check news headlines, when I saw it: “Alex Trebek diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.” A shudder ran through me, followed by a wave of gratitude that my biggest problem was shipping a video game in the Fall. “Pancreatic cancer,” I grimly thought to myself. “I can’t think of many things scarier than that.”

Three months later, just shy of my 33rd birthday, I was given the same diagnosis.

It’s been a little over two years since June 3, 2019: the day I was diagnosed. I’m still alive; though thirty pounds lighter, short a few organs, and going through my third round of treatment. It’s been a hell of a ride so far, so here I present to you: yet another personal-journey-through-cancer blog! Let’s see if I can squeeze out more than one entry. My therapist will be stoked if I do. 

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